Sawnee Electric Membership Corporation: Rates and Coverage Area (2024)

Electricity Rates, Plans & Statistics

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About Sawnee Electric Membership Corporation

Sawnee Electric Membership Corporation is an electric cooperative with headquarters in Cumming, Georgia and serving customers in 7 counties in Georgia including counties such as Fulton County, Gwinnett County, Cherokee County, Forsyth County, and Hall County. There are 193,460 customers receiving electricity from the supplier. These customers are made up of 174,122 residential properties, 19,249 commercial customers and 89 industrial properties. The average residential electricity price for consumers of Sawnee Electric Membership Corporation is roughly 12.01 cents per kilowatt hour, which is, fortunately, 23.80% below the average nationwide rate of 15.77 cents. Of the 3,838,817 megawatt hours the company sold and dispossessed, 95.68% were via retail sales. The electricity sourced by the supplier primarily came from megawatt hours that they procured via wholesale channels. They purchased 3,838,817 megawatt hours on the wholesale market. The total revenue for the company for 2022 from electricity sales was $452,343,500, with $421,520,000 from retail sales to end users.

The nationwide average monthly residential electricity bill is $135.95, while the Sawnee Electric Membership Corporation average is 2.56% higher at $139.43 per month. Sawnee Electric Membership Corporation is the 1973rd ranked provider in the United States for average monthly bill total. The power grid owned by the supplier experiences 0.7 outages per consumer per year, with outages lasting an average of 27.39 minutes. The nationwide average for other companies is 1.45 outages per customer and 171.11 minutes an outage. Electricity production is not handled in house at the company, as they purchase power at wholesale rates from other companies to then be resold to their customers.

Sawnee Electric Membership Corporation Net Metering

Sawnee Electric Membership Corporation is one of 51 electric providers in Georgia who offer net metering to their consumers. Installation of solar panels and other electricity sources is often too expensive for citizens. Net metering allows purchasers of these electricity sources to sell extra wattage back to the grid, making the installation of these alternative sources economically viable.

Energy Loss

Providers regularly submit data on energy lost through electricity transmission to government agencies who track infrastructure efficiencies. Sawnee Electric Membership Corporation recently reported a loss of 4.23% of their electricity generation amount. This percentage of energy lost earns them a rank of 676th best out of 3526 providers who report energy loss in the US.

Sawnee Electric Membership Corporation Rate & Electric Bills

Sawnee Electric Membership Corporation residential electric rates are highest in August and the highest average bill is in July.

809th12.01¢Sawnee Electric Membership Corporation's Average residential price per kWh

1973rd$139.43Average monthly electricity bill for Sawnee Electric Membership Corporation's residential customers

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Sawnee Electric Membership Corporation Overview

  • Company Type:Cooperative
  • Headquarters:543 Atlanta Road
    Cumming, Georgia 30040
    United States of America
  • CEO:Michael A. Goodroe

Sawnee Electric Membership Corporation Contact

Sawnee Electric Membership Corporation Service

  • States Served:
    • Georgia
  • Counties Served:
    • Fulton County
    • Gwinnett County
    • Cherokee County
    • Forsyth County
    • Hall County
    See All Counties
  • Major Cities Served:
    • Roswell
    • Johns Creek
    • Alpharetta
    • Milton
    • Sugar Hill
    • Suwanee
    • Holly Springs
    • Flowery Branch
    • Cumming
    See all cities

Energy Loss

Sawnee Electric Membership Corporation's energy loss due to business operations.


Total Energy Loss


676National Rank

Grid Reliability

Length & Frequency of Sawnee Electric Membership Corporation's Power Outages


vs. national average of 171.11 min.


vs. national average of 1.45

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Sawnee Electric Membership Corporation Coverage Map

Sawnee Electric Membership Corporation: Rates and Coverage Area (1)

Sawnee Electric Membership Corporation State Coverage

StateCustomersSales ($)State Rank Based On Revenue% of Provider's Residential Sales in State

1 states with service

Sawnee Electric Membership Corporation County Coverage

CountyPopulationProvidersAvg. County Rate (¢)Avg. Electric Bill
Cherokee County281,278412.64$140.52/mo
Dawson County26,202312.71$143.26/mo
Forsyth County267,237212.40$140.32/mo
Fulton County1,074,634813.31$138.75/mo
Gwinnett County975,353713.07$143.20/mo
Hall County212,692412.64$138.61/mo
Lumpkin County33,188512.33$142.30/mo

7 counties with coverage

Cities Sawnee Electric Membership Corporation Has Coverage

  • Alpharetta, GA
  • Cumming, GA
  • Flowery Branch, GA
  • Holly Springs, GA
  • Johns Creek, GA
  • Milton, GA
  • Roswell, GA
  • Sugar Hill, GA
  • Suwanee, GA

* City coverage generated based on government data. Always verify you can get service from the provider.

Sawnee Electric Membership Corporation Reviews

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Sawnee Electric Membership Corporation FAQ:

Who is the CEO of Sawnee Electric Membership Corporation?

The current CEO of Sawnee Electric Membership Corporation is Michael A. Goodroe.

What is the average bundled bill for Sawnee Electric Membership Corporation customers each month?

Sawnee Electric Membership Corporation currently has an average monthly bundled electric bill of $139.43, compared to the Georgia average of $145.25 and the United States average of $145.25 for bundled service.

What cities does Sawnee Electric Membership Corporation provider electricity to?

Sawnee Electric Membership Corporation serves 9 cities in the country.

When will Sawnee Electric Membership Corporation power be restored?

Sawnee Electric Membership Corporation's outages last, on average, roughly 27.39 minutes per each outage.

What is the average bundled electricity rate for Sawnee Electric Membership Corporation customers?

The average bundled rate of electricity for consumers of Sawnee Electric Membership Corporation is 12.01 cents per kilowatt hour (¢/kWh).

What is the phone number for Sawnee Electric Membership Corporation?

You can reach Sawnee Electric Membership Corporation by phone via (770) 887-2363.

How many counties does Sawnee Electric Membership Corporation offer service in?

Sawnee Electric Membership Corporation provides electricity to customers in 7 counties.

Sawnee Electric Membership Corporation: Rates and Coverage Area (2)

Last Reviewed By: Matt Hope

Published: 2024-08-07

Sawnee Electric Membership Corporation: Rates and Coverage Area (2024)


How many meters does Sawnee EMC have? ›

Sawnee EMC Quick Stats
CountyNo. of Meters ServedkWh Used
4 more rows

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The two tiers explained

This rate plan has two pricing levels, known as “tiers,” which are based on how much energy you use. Energy used within your Baseline Allowance is Tier 1 and billed at the lowest price. Energy used above the Baseline Allowance is considered Tier 2 and is billed at a higher price.

What is the largest cooperative in Georgia? ›

Jackson EMC is one of the largest electric cooperatives in the U.S. and the largest among Georgia's 41 electric membership corporations (EMCs). Members of Jackson EMC have a voice in the management of their cooperative.

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Georgia Power Company (GPC), an investor-owned electric utility, is fully regulated by the Commission. Currently GPC serves approximately 2.7 million customers in 155 of Georgia's 159 counties.

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A: The biggest reason power prices have risen so sharply in recent years is wildfires. Another factor is the rising cost of labor and supplies. Californians pay higher electricity rates — the price per unit of energy — than every other state except Hawaii, as of November.

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How Many Kilowatts Does It Take to Power a House? With the average American home consuming 900 kWh a month or 30 kWh a day, that brings the total yearly usage to around 10,800 kWh.

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What are the peak hours for SCE? Peak hours for SCE customers with time-of-use (TOU) rate plans are either 4-9 p.m. or 5-8 p.m., depending on their specific plan. Peak rates are highest in the TOU-D-5-8PM plan, in which on-peak rates reach 75 cents per kWh during summer weekdays.

What are the largest EMCs in Georgia? ›

As of 2015 Jackson EMC served more than 219,000 meters, making it the largest electric co-op in Georgia and, in terms of meters served, one of the largest in the United States.

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This started with the installation of 600,000 smart meters across our entire service area. These are connected to other leading technologies to create a "smart grid," allowing for a much more interactive customer experience than ever before. Energy is vital to our lives.

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About Electric membership cooperatives in Georgia

By working together, these entities are committed to serving Georgia by providing efficient and sustainable energy solutions. Georgia EMC is the statewide trade association serving the following organizations: Georgia's 41 electric membership cooperatives (EMCs)

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Georgia Electricity

Georgia has a competitive open market for electricity power suppliers including 52 municipal owned, 41 cooperatives and an investor-owned utility.

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