Eye of the Storm Walkthrough - Starfield Guide - IGN (2024)


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Eye of the Storm is the seventh Mission for the Crimson Fleet Faction in Starfield. This mission is the culmination of all of your work for the Crimson Fleet so far - finding and looting Kryx's Legacy, a ship lost for decades in the electromagnetic storms of Bannoc IV. This page includes tips on how to prepare your ship to penetrate Bannoc IV, explore the Legacy to find the vault, reroute the ship's power, and access the credit reserves for the score of a lifetime.

  • Rewards: Experience, Credits, Revenant Weapon
  • Evidence Slates: GBLR013: Mortem Obire

Add the ComSpike and Conduction Grid to Your Ship

Upon returning to The Key after your successful heist over at Neon, Naeva will immediately direct you to meet with Delgado and Jazz, who are discussing the Key's defensive measures. The word is out that UC SysDef is preparing for an assault, and the Crimson Fleet is going to need the funds from Kryx's Legacy if they want to stand a chance.


Hand over the Conduction Grid Tech plans to Jazz, and Delgado will want you to immediately move out and locate The Legacy lost somewhere in the electromagnetic storms of Bannoc IV. He's putting a lot of trust in you to bring back the biggest score anyone's ever seen, so make him some promises, then talk to Jazz.

Tell Jazz you want to modify your ship, and then go to "Add" modules, and look under the Equipment tab to find both the ComSpike Module, and the Conduction Grid Module. Lucky for you, they're not only free, but don't take up much space on your ship - however, you will need at least two free spots somewhere on your ship to stash them. If you really are tight on space and can't afford to lose anything, consider adding another habitat module to increase the bulk of your ship and add more slots along the sides of the new hab.

Meet With UC SysDef

Leaving the Key with your upgraded ship, you'll need to make one pit-stop just to the left of the Kryx System, over in the Sagan System where the UC Vigilance orbits the lone planet of this system.

If you didn't kill a bunch of people during your last mission on Neon, Commander Ikabe will ask for updates on the Crimson Fleet's progress, and make it imperative that you find Kryx's Legacy and bring it to UC SysDef instead of the Crimson Fleet, so that the money can be sent back to its rightful receipients. Whoever gets ahold of the money will have a much easier time in the battle to come, so keep that in mind as you prep to head to Bannoc IV.

You'll also be dealing with the Legacy's leftover defense systems, so it's not a bad idea to bring along weapons/armor that fare better against robots.

Locate the Legacy's Vault Control Center

When you're ready, set a course for the Bannoc System (which share a spot with Bannoc Secondus) off to the right and down past the Kryx System among a cluster of star systems.

You'll arrive in a low visibility electromagnetic storm that will give your ship a pounding, but thanks to the Conduction Grid you'll be able to weather the storm without taking damage.


The ComSpike will point you in the right direction, so cautiously move forward until you come across the large freighter known as the Legacy, and dock your ship.

You'll arrive in a docking platform of the Legacy, and up a short stairway you'll find the wreckage of destroyed security bots and debris, as well as a weapon display rack off to the right.

Moving left, you can find the GBLR001: Adrift Audio Slate at the foot of the stairs, which begins to chronicle the events of the doomed crew of the Legacy.

Down the next hall you'll find the fate of the crew spread throughout the various crew quarters:

  • The main hall between the Mess Hall and Crew Quarters is sparse, save for a moving tray with a first aid kit and the GBLR004: Aftermath Audio Slate stashed alongside it. Towards the back by the door to the restroom, you can also find the GBLR005: Euphoric Escape Audio Slate.
  • The Galley has a small storage room with some meds, and a table in the Mess Hall holds GBLR010: Kryx's Arrival Audio Slate, confirming that the founder of the Crimson Fleet indeed found the site of the treasure he'd been seeking. A counter on the right side of the eating area also has GBLR006: Lost Soul Audio Slate.
  • The Crew Quarters contains the sad remains of several crew members, including Dr. Mayfield in his bunk by GBLR008: Poker Game Audio Slate, and Crew man Simmons further up on the right. This leads to the body of Crewman Aguilar and his last card game, where you can also find GBLR009: Aguilar's Farewell Audio Slate on the table.


  • At the front of the Crew Quarters is the door to the Captain's Quarters. Past Captain Liang's Computer that holds her thoughts on the crew members, you can find an advanced-locked safe next to the GBLR007: Running on Empty Audio Slate. Liang and Keller can be found in the captain's bedroom nearby, alongside a spacesuit display case that has a master lock.
  • At the end of the hall you'll find the novice-locked door to the Restrooms where Crewman Baccara locked himself in. His body can be found in the shower stall and it's not a pretty sight, but you can at least take all the meds he was hoarding along with the Rattler he used on himself.

Leaving the crew area behind, take a left at the end of the hall to find a weapon rack by the stairs up towards the vault. The right path leads down to the cargo bay and the docking port where Kryx's inoperable ship - the Erebos - still stands, but there's not much else to find down there aside from a weapon case.

The route up to the Vault leads to a locked door requiring a Galbank Transfer Module, and luckily you won't have far to look.

Turn around, and you can spot the remains of the last crewman, Osterholt, off on the right surrounded by several beer bottles and the Galbank Transfer Module you need. Use it to open thge path into the vault, but be ready for some automated resistances.

Find the Vault Control Center

The Vault itself has a long way to go before you can reach it's control center where the loot is really stashed, so for now, you'll need to head left at the Galbank sign. There are two small Depository rooms on the left, but neither can be accessed yet (but it's good to remember their location).

As you pass the Depositories, look on the right for a single Galbank Credtank -- a black and gold chest with a blue line on it, and activate it to transfer its credit content directly into your bank account. There's a lot more where that came from, but the rest belongs to the Fleet or SysDef.


Through the next door you'll finally come face to face with Galbank's defense systems. Two security cameras posted in the room will likely spot you and activate turrets and Combat Robots in the corners to assault you, so be prepared - or race to the expert-locked Reactor Control Computer to disable them.

While at the terminal, check to the right to find the GBLR002: The Plan Audio Slate to learn about how they kept the shielding operational on the Legacy by using the credtank EM shielding and routing it into the array.

There are two paths forward from here - the advanced-locked Hydraulics room door (that can be opened from the reactor terminal) leads straight to your goal, while the unlocked door to the reactor is dangerous in its own right due to both the security measures and robots, plus a radiation leak. Try to limit your time exploring the reactor to find an alternate door to Hydraulics to assault the robots and turrets from the side path.

There's also a small master-locked room in the reactor area past another reactor room computer with a host of goodies to loot should you have the capabilities.

Fight your way through Hydraulics long corridor and disable the cameras and turrets at the end, and then pass on through to the physical plant. More security cameras are waiting to spot you at the foot of the stairs up, bringing more robots from above to harass you.

Check the weapon crate before heading upstairs and also check the Shield Generator room to the side for a storage room along the bottom full of more goods.

Deal with any other security bots in the Physical Plant rooms and grab the weapons from the display rack, then head through towards the Vault. Unfortunately due to a busted door computer, you have to take one last detour through the Engine Room, and as you might expect it's full of additional security measures.


Before you head in, you can also unlock the novice-locked Security room door and take out a turret to find some extra weapons and ammo for the fight ahead.

Be sure to check the corners of the engine room for cameras and turrets as you advance, and look for a small control room on the upper floor (the closest door is advance-locked, while the farther door is unlocked).

Inside, you can use an Engine Computer terminal to shut down any other security devices, and grab some meds nearby along with the final crew message, GBLR003: Damage Report Audio Slate. Don't try to pick the safe, but instead view the maitenance logs to get Osterholt's Safe Code that will allow you to open it easily!

At long last, the other side of the Engine Room will lead to a functional Vault Door, and you step out onto the balcony to gain an eye-opening look at stacks up stacks of hundreds of Galbank Credtanks. All for the taking.

There's a couple of side rooms along the balcony you can check out for extra loot, as well as the other side of the non-functional door you can open from this side back to the Security room on the other side of the Engine Room.

Explore the vault cautiously, as there are still more turrets posted along the sides and by the central stairs up to the top balcony with a weapon case.

As you move down through the vault, take note of two smaller rooms on each side lined with Security Bots. There are more Depository Rooms here that are sealed, but like the ones near the vault entrance, you can eventually open them.


At the far end of the vault, look along the right side for a door across from a weapon case leading to the Vault Control Room stairs. You'll see signs of more trashed robots in the room beyond, as well as a small advance-locked safe in the lower storage room.

Climb to the top of the stairs, and you'll at last reach your destination, a military crate of good loot, and the truth about Kryx.

Access the Legacy's Credit Reserves

Sitting in a chair among a pile of loot, you can find the remains of the founder of the Crimson Fleet -- Jasper Kryx. Despite his best efforts, the lure of the Legacy was his undoing, and you can uncover more about his attempts to escape, betrayal at the hands of those he trusted, and his demise. You'll find GBRLR011: The Waiting Game Audio Slate located by Kryx and his legendary weapon that's now yours for the taking - the Revenant. Across from the body on another desk, you can find GBLR012: No Return Audio Slate, and finally among the pile of credstiks he "buried" himself with, is GBLR013: Mortem Obire (Evidence) Audio Slate that holds his final words.

Now that you know how Kryx met his end, it's time to ensure you don't suffer a similar fate. Kryx was able to tap into the power used to keep the EM Shields working on the Legacy, but never managed to fully draw power back into the Credit Reserves to access it, but you can succeed where he failed.

The first step is to flip the switches to tap into the power supply to the EM Shields and allocate it to the vault, and these Power Override Control switches can be found in the corners of the room by following the wires.

You already have one Galbank Transfer Module you used to get into the vault, and Kryx has dropped a second by his feet. You'lll need to use both by inserting each stick into the two Transfer Module Locks in the center dashboard, and then insert the Data Core in the center that Jazz gave you to transfer the money into.

When you're ready, flip the switch, and all the money from the hundreds of Galbank Credtanks will be sihponed into the Data Core, filling it with a staggering amount of money. To retreive the Data Core, remove the two Galbank Transfer Modules from the key slots on either side, and you'll get your hard earned loot - at a price.


Escape the Legacy

By rerouting power to the Vault, you've left the Legacy's hull wide open to the EM storm that's destroyed everything else, and without shielding, the ship is now starting to come apart!

You'll be hit with flames, radiation, and other effects on all sides, so quickly run back down the stairs the way you came and back into the vault.

The place will be a wreck, visibility will be strained, and explosions and robots alike will be on all sides. However, if you remember those locked Depository rooms on both sides of the vault -- they've now been opened!

If you're still feeling the greed, check the rooms on the right side of the vault for a locker room and big storage crate on one side, and an expert-locked storage crate on the other side.

The rooms on the left side of the vault are guarded by more robots (which you can use Kryx's Revenant gun to tear through), and will lead to a small storage room full of weapons, and another guarded by a turret with a storage crate.

Back to the escape, head up the stairs on the far side and through the door bypassing the Engine Room to move past the small security room that will lead back towards the other facilities.

Keep dodging explosions as you sprint through the Physical Plant and Hydraulics room, where you can expect to take on some pretty tough industrial security robots. Mow them down with the Revenant, and then past the reactor to the hall leading to the vault entrance.


As you go up the stairs to the last hallway, remember this is where you spotted the first two locked Depositories. Now open, you can check the first one for a weapon crate, and the second one with a turret guarding another Galbank Credtank you can activate to steal some extra credits on the way out.

When you reach the Vault Access module, you'll find the bridge is out, so jump and boost across to the other side before sprinting back down towards Crew Quarters.

The hall is a mess, and you'll need to take a longer winder road through Crew Quarters, backtrack to the Mess Hall and into the Galley where a hole will open right down to the Docking Bay where your ship is.

Jump into your co*ckpit and disengage, and witness the last moments of the Legacy before it's gone for good. Note that Kryx's Erebor ship is also destroyed, and you can loot its hold for some items as well.

Now will come the final test: Who gets Kryx's Legacy?

Unless you pissed off UC SysDef to the point of them throwing you in jail, you'll still have a choice on who to bring the money to, and will cement whose side your on for the final showdown between the Pirates and the UC. Don't make this choice lightly, and consider carefully how many you still call friend in the Crimson Fleet.

Check our Legacy's End]] walkthrough section for details on the differences between the two factions and what your choice means for the rest of the game.

Up Next: Legacy's End Walkthrough

PreviousAbsolute Power WalkthroughNextLegacy's End Walkthrough

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Eye of the Storm Walkthrough - Starfield Guide - IGN (1)


Bethesda Game Studios

ESRB: Mature
Xbox Series X|SPC

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Eye of the Storm Walkthrough - Starfield Guide - IGN (2024)
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